Instructions for renewing SSL certificate in CENTOS

Connect to your Webserver

SSH into your webserver and use the su command to login with root priviliges.

Generate the CSR 

Cd /etc/httpd/ssl

Mkdir (current year) without the parenthesis.

“openssl req -new -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout /etc/httpd/ssl/2015/keyname.key -out /etc/httpd/ssl/2015/csrname.csr” without the quotes, changing the year to the folder you just created.

Go to the webhost (godaddy) and renew the ssl certificate. It will ask for the CSR.

In the terminal window of your webserver type: vi /etc/httpd/ssl/2015/csrname.csr

Copy the text and paste it into Godaddy’s textbox.

 Installing the new certificates:

Once validation is completed, copy the CRT files to the webserver using Filezilla.

If you copied the files to your home directory, do the following in your ssh terminal:

mv /home/username/{crtname.crt, gd_bundle.crt} /etc/httpd/ssl/2015/

 Edit the SSL configuration file:

In the webserver terminal type: vi /etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf

Navigate to the lines that have the old year for the crtname.crt, the keyname.key, and the ca_bundle and change it to the current year. Press the letter s to enter insert mode (it will delete the character your cursor is currently on). When finished, press esc then the : then the letter w and then q and then press enter.

 Add permission to selinux:

chcon –reference=/etc/httpd/ssl/2014/ca_bundle /etc/httpd/ssl/2015/gd_bundle.crt

chcon –reference=/etc/httpd/ssl/2014/ca_bundle /etc/httpd/ssl/2015/crtname.crt

 Restart apache:

service httpd restart

Instructions for renewing SSL certificate in CENTOS