Prevent Delegate Mailboxes from Caching In Office365 Using Powershell

Instructions on adding full access permissions for an administrator to a user’s mailbox without the automapping feature, which causes delegate mailboxes to automatically download a cached store on your local computer

Before you get started, make sure and turn off multi-factor authentication in Azure if you are using it. Office365 won’t let you connect via command line with an app password.

  1. Open Powershell in Windows
  2. Run this command: Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned
  3. Run this command: $UserCredential = Get-Credential
  4. Type in your email address and password (assuming you are an administrator)
  5. Run this command: $Session = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange -ConnectionUri -Credential $UserCredential -Authentication Basic -AllowRedirection
  6. Run this command: Import-PSSession $Session
  7. Run this command, replacing the user accounts and email addresses with your own and the user you are modifying: Add-MailboxPermission -Identity -User admin.user -AccessRights FullAccess -AutoMapping:$false
  8. It should look like this after running the command: disable-automapping
  9. To view existing permission, run this command: Get-RecipientPermission douglas.adams
  10. To remove permissions, run this command: Remove-MailboxPermission  douglas.adams -User admin.user -AccessRights FullAccess -Confirm:$False
  11. When finished run this command: Remove-PSSession $Session
Prevent Delegate Mailboxes from Caching In Office365 Using Powershell

Instructions for renewing SSL certificate in CENTOS

Connect to your Webserver

SSH into your webserver and use the su command to login with root priviliges.

Generate the CSR 

Cd /etc/httpd/ssl

Mkdir (current year) without the parenthesis.

“openssl req -new -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout /etc/httpd/ssl/2015/keyname.key -out /etc/httpd/ssl/2015/csrname.csr” without the quotes, changing the year to the folder you just created.

Go to the webhost (godaddy) and renew the ssl certificate. It will ask for the CSR.

In the terminal window of your webserver type: vi /etc/httpd/ssl/2015/csrname.csr

Copy the text and paste it into Godaddy’s textbox.

 Installing the new certificates:

Once validation is completed, copy the CRT files to the webserver using Filezilla.

If you copied the files to your home directory, do the following in your ssh terminal:

mv /home/username/{crtname.crt, gd_bundle.crt} /etc/httpd/ssl/2015/

 Edit the SSL configuration file:

In the webserver terminal type: vi /etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf

Navigate to the lines that have the old year for the crtname.crt, the keyname.key, and the ca_bundle and change it to the current year. Press the letter s to enter insert mode (it will delete the character your cursor is currently on). When finished, press esc then the : then the letter w and then q and then press enter.

 Add permission to selinux:

chcon –reference=/etc/httpd/ssl/2014/ca_bundle /etc/httpd/ssl/2015/gd_bundle.crt

chcon –reference=/etc/httpd/ssl/2014/ca_bundle /etc/httpd/ssl/2015/crtname.crt

 Restart apache:

service httpd restart

Instructions for renewing SSL certificate in CENTOS

CISCO: Failed to initialize connection subsystem

When running Cisco VPN client Anyconnect on Windows 8, you receive the following error:

CISCO: Failed to initialize connection subsystem


1. Right click VPNUI in the Cisco install folder. “C:\Program Files (x86)\Cisco\Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client\”

2. Choose Troubleshoot compatibility.

3. The wizard suggests win8 compatibility.

4. The “test program does not work” since the program may be running. Just add the configuration. (It did work for me)

5. Restart the VPN service

Note: You will still get the same error until you go down to the system tray and close the vpn client and then reopen it.
